Monday, May 11, 2009

How I spent my weekend...

Doesn't get any cutier than this... Love you baby Zhora!!

She's just like me...

She sleeps in the most oddest positions.. LOL! I can't!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Love her...

Shoes are sick!!!

Why is Zoe still not potty trained???

I mean it's been over month and nothing... she still rather pee all over the floor...

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I mean am i doing something wrong...


Or, should I just cough up the $70 and get her the chair above!!!

I mean it is cute! :)

I am dying for one!!!

Why are MACbooks so expensive.... I want one so badly.... :(

Can't wait for this weekend.... Here I come sunshine!!!! :)