Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I love the new Jennifer Hudson song ~ "If This Isn't Love"

I swear that song gives me goosebumps......


Friday, March 20, 2009

I love it!!

Why can't my hair look like this when it's curly??? :(

It looks so healthy.....

Alicia needs to leave her hair naturally curl for a little looks so good!!!


Can someone tell me why in the world it is snowing on the first day of spring???


Thursday, March 12, 2009


Ok, this is really getting out of hand now...I'm starting to believe that this whole thing was a set up....


Tuesday, March 10, 2009


No more depressing topics...
Only positive ones......

I am so tired of being unhappy and's soooo overrated.

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. -- Buddha

We spoke..

Ok, so my mom came over last night... with no intentions of even talking to me, just to pick up some mail. I mean really, how lame to begin with.

Yet, we did manage to exchange a few words, but for some reason it was the most useless conversation I ever had with her.

She had no idea what to tell me (like she ever does). She just sat there, it was like trying to talk to a friend from high school who I just recently got into an argument with.

Not a mother and daughter conversation at all.

I know what they say that you can't choose your parents, but c'mon... it's like she just gave birth to me and my sister.. and till this day has to clue to how to nurture/support or encourage us at all.

She has always been a one word answer kind of person. But give me a break...I been on this earth for 26 years and you still have figured it out.

Mind you, I don't ask her for a dime and when we go out she never picks up the tab... I do what I can to help her in whatever way possible...

Yet somehow, she will never appreciate or show that she even gives a shit.

It's just sad b/c she is alive and healthy, yet she couldn't give a rat's ass about me or my daughter.

It's no big deal though.. I mean don't get me wrong it hurts...

But to be honest, if she doesn't give a shit, why the hell should I.

It's beyond a waste of time with her..

Monday, March 9, 2009

Mommy & Me

Well it' s official, me and my mom are not talking.

Trust me, I have no clue why. All I know it stems from the blow up I had with my sis about a month ago...

It just sucks..I never thought we would go this long without speaking..

To be continued......

Friday, March 6, 2009

Oh no, I make a mess!!!

Can someone please help me understand why my little one doesn't want to go potty? I don't know how many times we have practiced but for some reason it's not happening. We have gone through about 10 + accidents so far and nothing yet.

Should I get a new potty?? Maybe Elmo is not her thing anymore...

Should I bribe her with stickers and candy? Done it. Doesn't work....
Is she still too little? Well, then again it's not like she's 15 months old... she's 2 1/2...

I have no clue what my next step is... oh yeah I forgot still working on getting the bobo out of her mouth at night..

Ha..... another item to add on the list.. :(

Dios Mio!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I am hooked!!!!!

I am following everyone..... Diddy, Solange, Angie Mar, Lily Allen, Britney Spears.....

Get on

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Throwback pics......

Zoe at 4 months old w/ daddy and dinosaur cousin Andy.. LOL!

Boy, how time flies...

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow... please go away!!!!

Why is it snowing in March?? This sucks.... :(